Gravitas Online Course

Engage, inspire and lead your team in emotional times... in your own time!

Gain greater confidence, clarity and connection in your communication today!

The fictional God of speed Savitar told us “The strongest steel is forged by the fires of hell.” Maybe this period is your fire of hell, maybe it is an inconvenience or maybe just a boredom, either way, this is a time of stress for many and during times of stress and uncertainty, the team are looking to their leader for guidance.

At any time, research shows non-verbal skills to carry over 4 times the weight of words and in emotional times it is more heavily weighted. We need only look at our leaders through bushfire and the Coronavirus to see the challenges. Now is the time for you to take this opportunity to break the habits that undermine your confidence, clarity and connection through superb body language, vocal nuance and clear frameworks of engagement.

Undertake the world class Gravitas Online Course at your own pace and in your own time! 

Your Access Includes

Gravitas Online Course

Gravitas Online Course is Dr Louise Mahler's signature work that demonstrates critical concepts designed to kickstart your pathway to excellence in presence and influence. This program includes:

Chapter 1 - Gravitas

Do you have gravitas? Or do you want to enhance your gravitas? In this module you'll learn the fundamentals of your gravitas, how it affects you as a leader and how you can use it to help you communicate more effectively.

Chapter 2 - Rethinking the Model of Communication 

Communication isn’t a one-way street—it’s a shared experience between speaker and audience. Just as a musician needs an instrument, a speaker needs an engaged audience to create a truly powerful connection.

Chapter 3 - The Language of the Body

Effective communication thrives on presence, where mind, body, and voice work in harmony—something the ancient Romans perfected with their deep understanding of posture, breath, and balance.  

Chapter 4 - Gestures

Gestures have been a crucial element of human communication for centuries, transcending language barriers and enhancing delivery. From ancient Roman orators to modern-day speakers, the eloquence of the hands has shaped the way we connect and convey our messages.

Chapter 5 - Voice

The voice is one of humanity's greatest gifts, shaping how we connect and influence others. Yet, many today struggle with vocal habits that diminish their power, from vocal fry to speaking too fast or too high, often unaware of the potential they carry within.

Chapter 6 - Can Women Have Gravitas?

Can women possess gravitas? Absolutely. Despite societal challenges, with the right training and confidence, women can develop and express gravitas just as effectively as men in leadership roles.

Chapter 7 - A Modern World

As we navigate a rapidly changing world, the enduring principles of gravitas remain crucial for impactful communication. Despite shifts from ancient courts to modern business environments, mastering the art of invention, arrangement, and style ensures that gravitas continues to drive influence and success in today's diverse settings.

Gravitas Scorecard

Wonder how your gravitas measures up? Take the Gravitas Scorecard and find out if you're an Emperor, Senator, Senator Equestrian or something less impressive. Get instant results and see where you can improve.

Gravitas Conclusion

Gravitas is like a rare find, much like the stone axe I discovered as a child. It's an ancient skill, rooted in the wisdom of the Greeks and Romans, that today's leaders must reclaim for confidence and impact. Everything you need to unlock it is right here—join me and discover your gravitas!

Bonus Programs

Fabulous extra resources to help you to elevate your confidence, influence and presence

Applied Confidence

Applied Confidence is Dr Louise Mahler's practical leadership communication program comprising over 14 modules and 50 videos on how to apply her unique methodology into every day situations. Explore practical topics such as interview skills, presentation skills, how to do a TED Talk and how to practice.

Stepping Up

Stepping Up is a leadership communication program comprising over 26 modules that are key to effectively connecting with your audience, especially in a digital world. Explore topics such as  resilience, how to stop boring your audience to death and managing performance anxiety.

Presence, Influence and Finding Your Voice

Presence, Influence and Finding Your Voice is a recording of a 2 day workshop Dr Louise Mahler delivery for a team. With 8 modules, you'll feel like you're right in the training room and learn how to elevate your presence in the workplace as a leader.

Lifetime Access to All Dr Louise's Programs

Take your leadership communication to the next level!

  • Lifetime access to the Gravitas Masterclass course (valued at $1000)
  • Access to the bonus modules (valued at $3000)
  • Access to the Gravitas Scorecard (valued at $80)
  • A copy of the Gravitas book sent to you (valued at $30)

Total Value: $4,110

Investment: $297+GST 

"Dr Mahler is an incredibly skilled trainer and coach who was able to observe, and provide strategies to correct physical and verbal mannerisms, to not only help overcome my presentation jitters, but add punch to my presentations. I look forward to attending more of her workshops in the near future."

Tony Mitrevski
Senior Business Analyst at National Australia Bank

"I took part in Louise Mahler's 2 Day 'Presence, Influence and Finding Your Voice Workshop' in August this year, 2017. Found it on this platform, LinkedIn. The workshop was interactive, challenging, fun and most of all, extremely powerful. Louise has truly mastered the art of non-verbal communication and has the ability to teach this to others. Since the workshop, I have been very mindful of my own non-verbal communication and am noticing the difference. My only regret is that I did not find Louise 10 years ago!"

Elizabeth Sigston
Head and Neck Surgeon, Cancer Researcher, Entrepreneur

"I've had the privilege to listen to and participate in one of Louise's many sought-out workshops focused on "vocal intelligence" and body language, and how skills developed here can impact positively with effective communication and outcomes as a leader. She is gracious and generous with plenty of her thoughts and content via her website and (video) blogs, a Google search will help you locate her resources and contact. She is a wonderful speaker, effective facilitator, beautiful singer and a room-filling personality! Louise comes highly recommended to any organisation looking to develop their very best and senior leaders, to step up into areas of otherwise unobserved potential. Definitely one to watch!"

Sukesh Sukumaran
Head Of Strategy & New Business Development at Manukau Institute of Technology


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